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Visibility Analysis: Adding competitors to the visibility chart in Google Data Studio
Visibility Analysis: Adding competitors to the visibility chart in Google Data Studio

This article will guide you step by step through the procedure of adding competitors to the visibility chart in Data Studio.

Martyna Majda avatar
Written by Martyna Majda
Updated over a week ago

You can create a chart that presents daily or weekly visibility. Daily data cover the 2.5 million most popular keywords in the Senuto database, while weekly data provide information on the entire lot (19 million keywords).

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Step 1: Authorize access

You’ll find the description of the authorization procedure here. When authorizing access, set data source type to: Visibility TOP3, TOP10, TOP50.

Go through the authorization procedure twice, once for each domain.

Remember to change source names, for instance to “Senuto –” and “Senuto – AV:”.

Step 2: Add a line chart to your report

Step 3: Click on “Blend data”

Step 4: Click on “Add” and select a source containing your competitor’s data

Step 5: Set up connection parameters

Join keys

Opt for “time" for daily visibility data.


Decide which information you wish to present on your chart: the number of keywords in TOP3 (top3_history), TOP10 (top10_history) TOP50 (top50_history), or other parameters.

In this example, I aim to create a chart of the TOP 3.

Once you’re done, rename the variables to indicate the domains they’re referring to.

In this case, I rename the variables to TOP3, and TOP3 Kwestia Smaku

After these updates, your list on the right side of the screen should include three variables: time, TOP3, and TOP3 Kwestia Smaku.

Finally, click on “Save”...

Once the changes are saved, you should see the following message:

In the next step, you’ll set up chart parameters to fix the error.

Step 6: Set up chart parameters

  1. Pick “time” as dimension

  2. Add metrics: TOP3, TOP3 Kwestia Smaku

  3. Set up sorting: “time” in the “Ascending” mode.

If you wish, you can change the default time frame to “Custom”. My suggestion is to go for “This quarter to date”.

Step 7: View the report

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