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Visibility analysis: Adding summary statistics to GDS report
Visibility analysis: Adding summary statistics to GDS report

In this article I will guide you step by step through the process of adding a summary of your domain visibility statistics.

Martyna Majda avatar
Written by Martyna Majda
Updated over a week ago

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Statistics available:

You can add following statistics to the report:

The statistics


Paid advertising equivalent


Domain position in the general ranking


Position in the ranking of the main category of the domain


Name of the domain main category


Visibility factor


Visibility factor for non-brand phrases


Number of phrases in TOP3/TOP10/TOP50




The difference between the number of phrases in TOP3/TOP10/TOP50 between today and yesterday



Process of adding statistics

Step 1: Go through the authorization process

We have described the whole process in detail in the article “Integration of the data with Google Data Studio – a step-by-step manual”.

Step 2: Add a summary of statistics to the report.

Step 3: Set the data source to "Visibility Analysis - Statistics (statistics_*)" the domain matching method.

Senuto can display data in two modes:

  • ** - if you want to display statistics for the whole domain including all its subdomains.

  •* - if you want the statistics displayed to be related to the domain and its directories (excluding subdomains).

Step 4: Select which data you want to be included in the summary.

You can select all variables with the prefix statistics_*. If you choose a variable with a different prefix, the system will not work correctly because the prefix must correspond to the previously selected data source.

In this case I chose "statistics_visibility", which means that I will present the estimated monthly traffic from organic search results of the domain in the box.

Step 5: Rename the variable.

If you want the "Visibility Factor" name to be displayed in the statistics, rename the variable by clicking on the pencil marked below.

To add more statistics, repeat the steps described above.

Step 6: View the finished statistics.

Pro tip: If you add a date picker to the report in Data Studio, you will be able to change the date of displayed statistics. For example, if you want to check the number of phrases in TOP10 for the previous month, you can do so by selecting the appropriate date in the date picker. Remember that if you use variables with the "_prev" suffix, the statistics will refer to the day before the date chosen in the date picker.


If you want to add the number of phrases for which the domain is visible in the organic search results in TOP3/TOP10/TOP50 to the report, you can use the process described above (variable statistics_top3). However, there is another way to add this statistic to the report, so that you can immediately see the percentage change in the number of phrases in the selected TOP.

In this case add the Summary of statistics box again (as in step 2), and set "Visibility Analysis - Visibility Top3, Top10, Top50" as the source.

Presentation of daily data

Select top3_history / top10_history / top50_history in Metric.

Then change the Default date range to Custom and select any date.

The last step is to select the date range in Comparison date range for which the percentage change of phrases in TOP will be presented.

Presentation of weekly data

In Metric, select top3_history_weekly / top10_history_weekly / top50_history_weekly.

Next set the Default date range to Custom and select the date of last Monday.

The last step is to select the Monday of choice for which the percentage change of phrases in TOP will be presented in the date range

And that’s it! You added a summary of project statistics to the report!

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