Positions report will be available after entering domain address in Visibility Analysis.
Positions Distribution chart
A Positions Distribution chart displays how many keywords on individual positions your website is visible for.
Add any websites of your competitors to compare your visibility in search results.
Positions table
The Positions table is your principal work tool in Visibility Analysis. It illustrates all the keywords for which your website is visible on Google.
Among other things you will find information, such as:
average monthly number of searches of a given keyword
rank of your website for a given keyword
history of positions by months
history of positions (graph includes measurements 2 months back)
changes in positions, meaning increases and decreases over recent days
CPC, meaning an amount to be paid per click on your Google Ad for a given keyword
You can find definitions of all metrics in the article "Metrics in Senuto".
Customize the table view and export the results
If you would like to add other metrics to the table, click on Customize. You can read more about the table view customization here.
If you prefer to carry out your analysis in Excel or other software, you can download the data in .xlsx format.
Filter your results
You can also filter your results in the table, e.g. by words included in key phrases, by positions or by average number of searches.