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Visibility Analysis – SERP Weather
Visibility Analysis – SERP Weather

SERP Weather shows how Google search results change day by day.

Ula Wróbel avatar
Written by Ula Wróbel
Updated over a week ago

The Visibility Analysis module is active only for users who have declared the country as Poland. To change the country, enter the Account Settings.

Every day, our algorithm checks how many websites have their rank changed when compared to yesterday and based on results, it calculates a change index that’s displayed on the panel. Data are gathered on the basis of around 70 thousand websites.

How to use the tool?

You will find the report in the menu on the right under the cloud icon.

This 'Weatherman' signals how 'severe' the changes in Google positions have been in recent days - if it notes that many domains have dramatically lost position and others have dramatically gained - it will note this 'confusion' as 'bad weather'.

When your website noted a drop or a sudden increase, you can observe whether other websites behaved the same way. This would mean a high index change.

A change history shows a historical index for individual days. Chart bars can go in three colors:

  1. Blue means slight changes in the search engine on a given day

  2. Yellow means changes higher than usual; you should expect position changes

  3. Red means considerable changes in search results on a given day; multiple websites have their rank changed.

The last part of a SERP Weather report is a summary that indicates which websites noted the highest increase and which of them noted the greatest decrease in keywords in TOP10 when compared to yesterday.

Now you know where to check whether Google’s introduced any algorithm changes.

Open a SERP Weather report and see if any changes occurred.

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