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Using filters

Senuto Platform is equipped with the option to filter tables. Available filter sets vary from table to table.

Martyna Majda avatar
Written by Martyna Majda
Updated over a week ago

A table with results can be filtered, among others, by the following:

  1. Keyword

  2. Average monthly number of searches

  3. Visibility for a specific URL

  4. Position of a website for keywords reported

  5. CPC.

Choose a filter and rule, e.g. all keywords whose CPC >= PLN 0.7.

You can apply more than one filter. If you do so, keywords in the table will need to follow all the rules chosen.

Saving filters

When you often use a certain set of filters, it’s worth saving it to... well, to save time. Once you’ve set all the rules, move the cursor on the icon on the right and click Save filter set.

To reapply a saved filter set, choose Add filter and click the name of a previously saved filter set:

Deleting filters

To delete a saved filter, click the bin icon next to the filter name.

Filtering example

If you’re curious about keywords for which your website is ranked in TOP10, select the Position filter and the rule <= 10.

Now you know how to filter on Senuto Platform. Go to the system and find out for which keywords your website is visible in TOP10.

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