There are 3 categories of filters available to you: Predefined, All Filters and My Filters.
Below you will find an explanation of each available filter:
1. Predefined
Branded words - are keywords containing brand
Non-branded words - are keywords that do not contain branding
Local words - these are keywords containing place names
TOP3 - keywords occupying positions 1-3 in search results
TOP10 - keywords occupying positions 1-10 in search results
Quick Wins - keywords occupying positions 4-20 (you can read more about quick wins in this article)
Long tail - keywords consisting of 3 or more words
Short Tail - keywords consisting of 1-2 words
Difficult keywords - keywords with a difficulty of more than 60 *(Keyword difficulty - Senuto's algorithm evaluates how difficult it is to break into higher positions for a given keyword).
Easy keywords - keywords with a difficulty of less than 30
Popular keywords - keywords with an average monthly number of searches greater than 1,000
Niche keywords - keywords with an average monthly number of searches less than 50
Expensive keywords - keywords with a CPC (cost per click) greater than or equal to 3.01
Cheap keywords - keywords with CPC (cost per click) less than or equal to 0.49
2. All filters
With these filters, you will get more precise and personalized results. You can search for keywords containing a specific word, occupying a specific position, or search for a specific URL.
For example:
Keyword - if you want to get keywords that contain a specific word, select All Filters ->Keyword->contains->for example, doll.
Keyword search volume - if you want to search for keywords with average monthly number of searches greater than 100, for example - select All filters ->Average monthly number of searches -> greater than 100
Saving filters
If you repeatedly use a certain set of filters, it's a good idea to save it so that you don't have to enter all the rules from scratch each time. After typing in the conditions, select the icon on the right and click on “Save filter set.”
To use a saved filter again, select “My Filters” and choose a previously saved filter name from the list:
Deleting a saved filter
To delete a saved filter, click on the trash can icon next to the filter name.
You already know how to use filters on the Senuto platform. Go to the system and check which phrases your domain is visible in TOP10!