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Metrics in Senuto

Here you will find descriptions of all the metrics you will encounter on the Senuto platform.

Ula Wróbel avatar
Written by Ula Wróbel
Updated over a week ago

TOP 3 - The number of keywords for which the domain ranks 1-3 in organic search results. Under the number of keywords you will find information on how this number has changed from the previous measurement.

TOP 10 - The number of keywords for which the domain ranks 1-10 in organic search results. Under the number of keywords you will find information on how this number has changed from the previous measurement.

TOP 50 - The number of keywords for which the domain ranks 1-50 in organic search results. Under the number of keywords you will find information on how this number has changed from the previous measurement.

Estimated traffic - Estimated monthly traffic from organic search results. Calculated on the basis of the number of words for which the domain is visible in the TOP10, their average monthly number of searches and click-through rate.

Google Ads equivalent - The estimated amount that should be spent monthly on Google Ads to generate analogical volume of traffic to the one generated from SEO activities.

Keyword search volume - The average monthly number of searches for a given keyword.

Keyword seasonality - The seasonality chart shows what traffic changes can be expected in individual months at current positions of your website.

Competitive keywords - are phrases for which the competitive domain is visible in TOP 10, while your domain in TOP 50. These are therefore phrases from which the competitive domain potentially takes away your traffic.

All keywords - are the total number of key phrases for which the competition’s domain is visible in positions 1-50.

Serp features - Snippets show what extended elements are shown in Google next to the standard links

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